Public:Code Review
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The Code Review Process in GitHub
Pull Requests in GitHub's Shared Repository Model
A nice description of the method used:
In short the process of code review is as follows:
- Create a feature branch: git checkout -b feature_branch_name (feature_branch_name should start with your github login)
- Make your changes
- Commit your changes
- [Optionally, so the pull request will be more up-to-date] Clean up your history: git rebase master
- Run tests: gradlew clean test and gradlew clean slowTest
- Push the changes: git push origin feature_branch_name
- Issue a pull request on github (master as the base branch, feature as the head branch)
- Wait for changes to be accepted. If you are asked to revise your changes, edit your branch and push the changes.
- Clean up your history: git rebase master
- Merge the feature branch into master: git checkout master and then git merge feature_branch_name (or git merge --squash feature_branch_name)
- If merge was done with --squash option, then commit merged changes and modify commit message: git commit
- Pull the changes from origin: git pull --rebase origin (or git fetch origin and git rebase origin/master)
- Run tests before push: gradlew clean test and gradlew clean slowTest
- Push the changes to the master branch: git push origin master
- Delete the feature branch: git branch -D feature_branch_name and then git push origin :feature_branch_name
- [Optionally] Delete references to remote branches that do not exist in the repository anymore: git remote prune origin
The Code Review Common Checklist
Based on:
General /clean code/
- Mind the project coding conventions
- Adhere to generally accepted naming conventions
- Use Intention-Revealing Names
- Classes should be small and focused (max. 20 methods)!
- Functions should be small and focused (max. 20 lines)!
- Avoid duplication of code
- Check parameters for validity
- Return empty arrays or collections, not nulls
- Minimize the accessibility of classes and members
- In public classes, use accessor methods, not public fields
- Use enums instead of int constants
- Always override hashCode when you override equals
- Use the org.joda date library instead of standard java date library
- Group classes into packages by their functionality, not type of service
- Divide class methods into sections: getters, setters, private, logic etc.
- Use curly braces also for one-line code blocks*
- Minimize the scope of local variables
- Explain yourself in code - Comments
- Make sure the code formatting is applied
- Refer to objects by their interfaces
- Avoid finalizers
- Use marker interfaces to define types
- Synchronize access to shared mutable data
- Prefer executors to tasks and threads
- Document thread safety
- Use Exceptions rather than Return codes or nulls
- Prefer runtime exceptions
- Use checked exceptions for (really) recoverable conditions and runtime exceptions for programming errors
- Favor the use of standard exceptions
- Don't ignore exceptions
- Write unit tests for every business method
- Write integration/functional tests for the prepared functionality
- Do not forget to adjust tests to changes in the existing functionalities
- Beware injection inclusion - do not join parameters with query 'by hand', use dedicated mechanisms
- Beware cross site scripting attack - always escape untrusted input before printing (e.g. use <c:out in jsp)
- Validate inputs (for valid data, size, range, boundary conditions, etc)* Limit the accessibility of packages, classes, interfaces, methods, and fields
- Release resources (Streams, Connections, etc) in all cases
- Purge sensitive information from exceptions (exposing file path, internals of the system, configuration)
- Do not log highly sensitive information
- Limit the extensibility of classes and methods (by making it final)
- Input into a system should be checked for valid data size and range
- Avoid excessive logs for unusual behavior
- Consider purging highly sensitive from memory after use
- Define wrappers around native methods (not declare a native method public)
- Make public static fields final (to avoid caller changing the value)
- Avoid exposing constructors of sensitive classes
- Avoid serialization for security-sensitive classes
- Guard sensitive data during serialization
- Limit database queries
- Count instead of list.size()
- Load only necessary objects (lazy loading) in the given situation
- Beware the performance of string concatenation
- Avoid excessive synchronization
- Keep Synchronized Sections Small
- Avoid creating unnecessary objects