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From YaddaWiki

Revision as of 12:21, 23 September 2010 by Bolo (Talk | contribs)
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Community Portal
== MediaWiki syntax ==


Requests for automation

Repetitive edit tasks can be automated by writing a bot which crawls the entire wiki. Write your requests in the list below:

  • Fix {CODE()} ... {CODE} blocks – a side effect of the migration from TikiWiki. Image:Tick.png
  • Replace all ó with ó – a side effect of the migration from TikiWiki. Image:Tick.png
  • Replace -+ ... +- with <code> ... </code>. Image:Tick.png
  • Add [[Category:Translation needed]] to relevant pages.
  • Link #nnnn to Mantis.
    • ACK. I've created a template {{mantis|nnnn}} for convenient linking to Mantis. A bot will update existing ocurrences of #nnnn. --Bolo 09:36, 15 October 2010 (UTC)

English as the working language

As a general rule, pages in this wiki should be written in English. This may seem unnatural at first, but availability of English documentation for various aspects YADDA dramatically eases dissemination for the EU-funded parts of the project. Also, in the future we might hire a developer who doesn't speak Polish.

Exempt from the rule are temporary pages on internal affairs. All other pages in Polish should be tagged with [[Category:Translation needed]] and translated subsequently.

Guidelines for post-migration clean-up

In other words, our goal is to remove all the pages from the "Migrated from TikiWiki" category, add them to relevant categories, and do some clean-up along the way.

Site organization

Categories instead of TOC

TikiWiki has a concept of parent/child page and a tag for generating a list of descendant pages ({toc}). This feature doesn't have a direct correspondence in Mediawiki, so we are going to use so-called categories to organize our pages.

A page in MediaWiki may be in zero, one or more categories. In order to add a page to category XYZ, edit the page and add [[Category:XYZ]] near the end of the page. Each category has a corresponding page in which all the pages belonging to the category are listed (see for example Category:Migrated from TikiWiki). When viewing a page, its (clickable) categories are shown at the bottom.

Entry points and accessibility

There are several entry points listed on the right side of the main page. They serve as a top-down organization of the YaddaWiki content. Every page should be accessible from at least one of these entry points (ideally without using category pages).

Applications and services


Summary of guidelines

  • Every page should be accessible from at least one entry point.
  • Every page should be in at least one category (technical categories such as Category:Translation needed do not count).


How to create a new page

One way to create a new page is to type its title in the search box on the left, press Enter (or click "Go") and click "Create this page" (at the very top of the search results page). Another way is to enter the page's URL directly in the browser: page title.

How to document a new service in YaddaWiki

Let's say you want to document a service named Foo. Here's a list of step that need to be taken. Browse service is already processed according to this recipe, so take a look at its code too.

Step 1: Create a template named "Template:Infobox Foo service" (see #How to create a new page for help). Template is a parametrized page that may be included in other pages. The code of your template should look like this:

{{Infobox service
name = Foo code location = projects/dir/[fill this] javadoc location = contact person = Your full name pages =
* [[Foo service|Overview]]
* [[Foo service/Design and architecture|Design and architecture]]
* [[Foo service/Tutorial|Tutorial]]
* [...]

See Template:Infobox Browse service for a working example.

Step 2: Create a category named "Category:Foo service" (see #How to create a new page for help). All the pages about your service will be visible here.

Step 3: Create a page named "Foo service". The first line of the code should read:

 {{Infobox Foo service}}

The last line of the code should read:


Step 4: Go to the Main Page, edit it and locate the list of services. Add a line corresponding to your service.

Step 5: Create other pages about concrete aspects of your service. For each page, add the following to the top:

 {{Infobox Foo service}}


Current Events
  • 2010-09-22 Migration from TikiWiki to MediaWiki. The convertion tools were rather simple, therefore the migrated pages might need some work.


Entry Points